Cedar Crest 12U
For players of Cornwall-Lebanon School District, born May 2012- April 2014.
Registered players are evaluated by an independent group to assign teams.
Mandatory Evaluation for All Players:
March 1st and 2nd 2025 Time TBD
Elite Baseball of Lancaster
218 S Plum St Mount Joy, PA 17552
Fielded teams join the appropriate section of Lancaster County Youth Baseball League.
Multiple teams and skill levels are available based on number of players.
All are welcome as an opportunity to play together with Cornwall Lebanon classmates.
Early Bird Registration Fee: $225 November 29th - December 31st
Regular Registration Fee: $250 January 1st - February 19th
(Evaluation Fee Included)
All registrations between November 29th and January 31st are guaranteed a place on a team
Join Cornwall Lebanon classmates who are interested in developing their skills and learning the strategies of the Cedar Crest Baseball program
Play teams and players from the PIAA Lancaster- Lebanon League
Learn and enjoy the great game of baseball!
League Details
Field size is 50/70 Sections 1 & 2
46/60 Section 3
Bat Requirements: No barrel or drop requirements. Must be marked with the 1.15 BPF or less or USABAT certified.
Three-tiered (skill based) league sections of play
Home Fields
Gloniger Woods Park
South Lebanon Elementary